Alasan Pemuda Memilih Bekerja Sebagai Petani (Studi Kasus Pada Lulusan SMK di Nagari Sungai Nanam)


  • Yola putri Padang state university
  • Alim Harun Pamungkas Universitas Negeri Padang



This research was motivated by the residents of Nagari Sungai Nanam whose livelihoods are mostly as farmers, ranging from young people, adults to old people who work as farmers. The purpose of this study was to find out how the situation of providing formal and non-formal education in Nagari Sungai Nanam, Solok Regency, and to find out the views of youth in Nagari Sungai Nanam about work/livelihoods. This research uses qualitative research with a case study approach. According to Creswell (2010), the uniqueness of qualitative research in its definition is that research is carried out in natural settings, the researcher is positioned as a data collection instrument, and inductive analysis is interpreted based on the participant's perspective. Sources of data in this study were youth who graduated from SMK in Nagari Sungai Nanam as research subjects, while the informants were people who provided information about the research being carried out, namely, parents and other members of the family in Nagari Sungai Nanam. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. And the validity of the data obtained from this study was obtained by triangulation of sources.




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How to Cite

putri, Y., & Harun Pamungkas, A. (2022). Alasan Pemuda Memilih Bekerja Sebagai Petani (Studi Kasus Pada Lulusan SMK di Nagari Sungai Nanam). Jurnal Family Education, 2(2), 177-183.